Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The New Safe Sex Push

Sexually transmitted disease is on the rise in New York City. Condom use is down. Certain clubs are being targeted for promoting sexual acts on their premises. Advocates fear that a new round of suppression, fines and ostracizing will push these clubs underground and increase the spread of AIDS. One group has developed a proposal that would help local health departments and nightlife venues work together to protect the public.

The proposal advocates changes in the state health code to allow for sex with a condom in sex clubs and bathhouses. It is currently illegal to have any type of sex in these establishments with or without a condom. (See Nightlife News for April 29th ‘
Cracking Down on Gay Sex Clubs) The change was advocated by the Commercial Sex Venues Coalition and adopted by the New York City's Prevention Planning Group the group that advises the city on HIV prevention initiatives. Both groups want to use the sex venues as centers for safe sex education and HIV testing. They feel that before they can take that step, some form of protected sex has to be exempted from the public health and sanitary laws.

If the goal is increasing condom use and decreasing the spread of STD’s in clubs then this proposal makes sense.
NYN suggested last month that gay and straight clubs provide and promote the use of condoms. But this opens up several questions for club owners, managers, security and patrons. Are clubs going to be liable for the possible consequences of sex in their establishments (unwanted pregnancies, rape, STD’s) if they offer condoms? Do managers have to provide separate areas for sex? Does security have to monitor activity in the club to determine if condoms are being used? Will patrons have to watch their step or trip over someone or several someone’s who can’t wait until they get home? It might make more sense for the clubs to offer the condoms but not the permission to have sex inside. That way, we have easier access to the condoms without having to slip in someone’s over enthusiasm when we’re trying to dance…

By the way, I didn’t know there was a Commercial Sex Venues Coalition, but it sounds like an interesting job….

Duncan Osborne Gay City News

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